Rules Of Engagement

Rules Of Engagement
Photo by Dmytro Tolokonov / Unsplash

If I step on your toes you might give me a stern look and in response I may offer you an apology. You will more than likely accept my apology and carry on with your day with no hard feelings against me. And I'll carry on with my day and maybe make a mental note to try not to step on people's toes again.

Such an encounter follows some very basic rules of engagement that act like societal buffers and boundaries. This is known as conflict avoidance. Most people try to avoid conflict if at all possible. Conflict is messy and undesirable. Polite society with it's laws, rules and regulations is preferable to unchained chaos especially when millions of humans are packed together in megacities.

But what if I came up to you in the street, stepped on your toes with deliberately excessive force, then slapped you across the face and shoved you to the ground. Apart from being stunned by the sudden onslaught, you would probably get up and retaliate with more than a wagging finger and verbal insults. In this case, some people would immediately override the natural boundaries set by polite society and escalate to the next level, possibly swinging for the toe stomper's head.

Even so, some internal coding, survival instinct and individual personality traits may still dictate how far things actually go in the mini conflict that ensues. Two parties may face off in a combative situation but neither of them is particularly willing to die or cause the death of their opponent for fear of punishment. Even when things heat up, this type of conflict is usually resolved after a bit of rough and tumble, maybe some ear munching, or when one of the combatants gets knocked out.

So what happens when the attacker or the attacked pulls a knife and stabs his opponent in the belly?

If the attacker does this then we usually treat that person as a criminal. We could look into their background, their mental state, the relationship between attacker and defendant and try to understand what led to this behavior but at the end of the day this action will be viewed as unnecessary, undesirable and avoidable.

If the defendant does this then we may view the action as a form of self defense. In a court of law the defendant may still be charged depending on what happens to the wounded attacker. The response will be scrutinized and judged as either appropriate or excessive force.

So lets take this a step further. After being stabbed the assailant pulls a gun and shoots the defendant in the chest. The defendant stumbles, drops to one knee. Blood starts soaking his shirt, bubbling up from his mouth, but still he manages to reach into his jacket pocket, extract a grenade (that he just happened to carry around for some reason), and pulls the pin.

After a cliched Hollywood moment of stunned silence, the attacker tries to wrestle the grenade from the defendants hand thinking throwing the grenade away is his best option for surviving the shitstorm that he started but tick tock time runs out and the two men get turned into chop suey on the sidewalk.

You may think the story ends there.

An unfortunate outcome for two individuals that will quickly be forgotten by the millions of people that tuned in for five minutes to watch the clean up operation in real time while absorbing the propaganda message from the media that was deigned suitable and appropriate according to whatever social norms happen to be prevalent at that time.

The media may even spin and distort the story to the extent that the victim going about his business is portrayed as a terrorist who provoked the attacker into taking preventative and definitive action against the 'terrorist.'

I hope the part about the victim being a terrorist is sinking in. It's very important that you get this because every action by the attackers beyond this point can be construed as acting in self defense and therefore a moral and just response according to the law of war and rules of engagement even though the attackers were the original instigators of violence in the first place.

But lets say the story doesn't end there and a war of rival factions is established consisting of disgruntled family and friends on either side of the divide. Many years go by and the enmity between the original factions increases and spreads to other factions far and wide beyond ground zero. Regular drive by's, sabotage, assassinations, revenge kills, face offs, battles, skirmishes and incursions become the order of the day.

Decades and centuries pass.

The hatred takes on a religious fervor. Insatiable blood lust. Unquenchable thirst for revenge, retribution, payback. Rules and regulations appear like a quaint, misguided afterthought under such long-held, apparently interminable feuds.

And yet, the supposedly empathetic neutral onlookers and bystanders attempt to pass judgement according to their self-appointed role as referees or conflict resolution specialists.

In the old days, the solution was to set a time and date where the warring factions would meet in a field far from the comfortable residences of the upper crust and the population centers of the hoi polloi so as to avoid the nasty fires and destruction of valuable farmland of times past and have at it in a hack and slash festival of blood and gore until one side stood victorious or turned and fled if their legs were still intact enough to carry them.

It was deemed useful for the combatants on either side to wear distinctly identifiable colors so each side knew who to attack and who to defend.

Some basic rules were established to protect and nurse the injured. These young men were resources after all. At least when they weren't being used as cannon fodder.

Later on it was further established that residential areas and the general civilian population should not be a target of one's wrath unless of course you end up with a situation known as total war. That's when the gloves come off and the gentlemanly rules of engagement are thrown out the window.

Instead of drive by's and laser focused decapitation strikes against your enemy, the factions can now engage in carpet bombing, chemical warfare, starvation protocols, weather manipulation, mass executions and whatever else takes your fancy because, now, finally, the truth emerges and the factions realize that the game will never end until the other side is wiped out, reduced to rubble, tamed and enslaved.

And all of that may have started with a misunderstanding, a toe that was stepped on, a dispute over territory, a misinterpretation of a passage in a book.

That's why each and every one of us should look around at the current state of things and do everything in our power to deescalate, to ramp down the bombings, the invasions, the hatred. Either that or get the carnage over and done with as quickly as possible. Whichever works best.

In recent times the press on all sides have pulled out all the stops to incite violence between the clearly delineated factions. They have been deliberately stirring the pot, attempting to light the fuse, set off a civil war, and as many international conflicts as possible.

Some of these incursions can be viewed as natural attempts to control access to available resources but more and more we are able to understand and see clearly the manipulation from behind the scenes. Problems are created where none need exist. And wars require massive funding, preparation, logistics, energy, and manpower to even begin.

Each and every one could be nipped in the bud if the desire was there, if rational minds ran this world. It's obvious that they don't.

And that's why millions must suffer and die every time the dogs of wars are let loose.

And the survivors must lick their wounds, pick up the pieces and soldier on with their lives trying as best they can to forget the madness that consumed them.

And yet we also try to remember wars and foolishly proclaim every time that the most recent major conflict will be the last. That we must learn from our mistakes. That we can all get along and respect each other as brothers and sisters. That the human race has a future living together in perfect harmony here on Earth and among the stars.

Well, how do you feel about that today?

Do you think we'll ever overcome the impulse to stomp on each others feet?

Are the ancient stories of warring brothers and tribes an eternal phenomenon to be repeated for as long as we exist or are these conflicts deliberately shunted into place so that a select few can profit from war, destruction and reconstruction and everything that emerges in the aftermath?

Much of this behavior is natural.

The animal kingdom is filled with sparring, tests of strength, butting of heads, territorial disputes, skirmishes, battles, war and the spoils of war.

So maybe we're just animals after all and subject to all the same forces that drive everything from insects to elephants to act in the way they do sometimes following the rules of conduct and abiding by nature's natural boundaries and other times, maybe due to expansion of territory or the sheer need to survive, breaking all the rules, going all in, no holds barred and destroying the opposition so that your seed can propagate and dominate in the world to come.

Rules and regulations belong to organized sports, friendly sparring, civil society and not the situations laid out above. Long drawn out conflicts are usually so because one or both sides have their hands tied. Without these restrictions conflicts would be quickly resolved and damage minimized.

All war is criminal. To delude ourselves into thinking that the laws of war and rules of engagement will somehow stop atrocities from being committed, stop conflicts from escalating into full total war, is extremely naive given our history.

And the courts and judges will sit and wait for the crimes to be committed before they can pass judgement on the wrongdoers. And as we all know it's usually too late by then and the wrongdoers may end up with no more than a slap on the wrist. Show trials and kangaroo courts brush all the nastiness under the carpet and civil society can get back to pretending that it won't all happen again as soon as the decision makers make the decision to break every rule that they came up with themselves.

Sometimes the rules and regulations set by the decision makers creep into each and every corner of life until they begin to suffocate the very means by which life can exist, adapt and grow in the first place. Because of this insidious rule creep people end up not daring to make a move in any direction for fear of penalty and social rejection.

This is death.

Death of creativity, death of freedom, death of the human spirit.

And that my friends is extremely undesirable and leads to dystopia.

So what are we to do?

The way things are going the decision makers are moving their pieces into place so that war, pestilence, famine, hatred, pain and suffering take center stage yet again. The Twitter feeds are on fire with all the injustice. The media salivate and self congratulate as they cover every preplanned story, every manufactured event until viewers can barely take it anymore. Until desperation sets in.

By the way, it's hurricane season and the government is allegedly steering the hurricanes with HAARP to make things worse, to cripple Trump supporting regions, to make voting more difficult for MAGA central.

For any reason at all martial law may be enacted before we even get to 'the most important elections in history' so that the incumbent nincompoops can piss everyone off even more. If that doesn't kick off a civil war I don't know what will. But this is simply following the pattern of escalation I outlined above. What else can a reasonable person expect at this point?

And that's just what's happening at home in the good ol' US of A, nevermind all the actual death and destruction already taking place in faraway lands using American taxpayer dollars.

Desperation is where they want you.

Deep in the well of despair.

Wishing for anything that will alleviate the pain, the misery.

And then it comes.

As if by magic.

The relief.

The savior.

The decision makers release the solution. A well crafted package that everyone everywhere will accept no questions asked because the alternative is just more pain, more suffering. And no one wants more suffering. Everyone at that point will long for peace and stability. They may even have a faint memory of what that was like before the crisis, before the war.

The masses will accept a fake alien intervention at that point. "They've come to save us! To stop us from killing each other! All they ask is for some blood packs, a few million per month, maybe some babies thrown in to seal the deal, I mean, come on, it's not much to ask for world peace, get over yourself," they'll say.

But even without the fake alien intervention...

The preliminary construct of world government known as the World Governments Summit (Clunky name. Previous one was better but hey I imagine they got negative feedback) and the World Economic Forum before that (disgraced and losing steam now) both stemming from the United Nations (a luciferian clusterf*ck if ever there was one) and the Roman Catholic Church (Holy cow is that old pedo organization still going) is receiving plenty of backlash in response to the stream of overtly obnoxious totalitarian policies emanating from the mouths of its many spokespersons.

For example, I still don't understand how the Club of Rome and the likes of shithead Neil Ferguson (just look at this guys bio and history of pathological lies) managed to persuade the entire world that CO2 is the most deadly thing that ever existed and that all human activity must be stopped to save the planet.

How did that happen?

Why does the entire future of the human species now depend on this one point of contention?

Why is it that every 'educated' person in the world fell for this scam and pretty much falls for every scam put out by these organizations?

And Neil repeats the same statistical trick for every fake outbreak, every fake pandemic, enabling the decision makers to bring the entire world to a halt at the drop of a hat as they did during Operation COVID and will do again if they are not stopped or at the very least ignored.

And if they are ignored, which currently looks like the most probable optimistic outcome, that doesn't mean that they will simply fold up their tent and retreat to their bunkers. These decision makers are moving extremely quickly right now to shut down any and all dissent wherever it appears. The Internet and especially social media has become the worlds battleground — a vastly interconnected ocean of informational warfare streaming in real time directly into people's minds all over the world. The only way to realistically stop this information from flowing would be to curtail Internet access or cut the power.

And while I think cyberattacks (whether authentic or fake) will take place to usher in the new system, I'm fairly certain this will not happen worldwide and therefore the decision makers will again, as happened with operation COVID, look extremely silly when a sizable control group simply refuses to play ball.

So this is our most powerful weapon right now. And our best hope is that many more people join us in simply refusing to go along with the contract that was foisted on us. We need to tear it up. The contract that is. Stomp on it. Burn it. Because it was drawn up in bad faith. It was a trick. A con. Carried out by people who knowingly wanted to enslave us using fake money and debt and the controlled media and fake politicians and indoctrinated doctors and scientists attempting to pull the wool over our eyes, attempting to establish a Technocracy where we wouldn't have to think anymore, where AI would make all of our decisions for us and we would be taken care of by the nanny state.

Quite frankly, I wish you would have simply stepped on my toes and we could have gotten this over and done with quickly and efficiently without all the sneaking around.

Bu that's just it, isn't it.

The softly softly approach was your only option because you are few and we are many and any other approach would have wakened the sleeping, anesthetized giant in a heartbeat and that would have scuppered your plans before you even got going.

So softly softly it is.

And every time you have to rush to the finish and show your hand because every time the sleeping giant starts waking up after the long sleepy hangover and like a bear with a sore head starts to lash out and look for someone to blame. And blame someone he will because he's pissed and just about had enough. And with all the shit that's going down the sleeping giant is looking for a scapegoat and to carry out some good old fashioned revenge and justice.

And I think that's what we're going to see when all is said and done.

There comes a time when the sun is riding so high and the shadows squeezed so thin that there's nowhere left for scumbags and warmongers to hide.

It's time for everyone to open their eyes and see what's been standing right in front of them their entire lives.

It's time to stop going along to get along.

It's time to step on some toes.

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